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Wire walk Record without a balancing pole

lets know what you dnt see and what you believe

Wire walk Record without a balancing pole

Postby kp » Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 pm

Wire walk Record without a balancing pole

Freddy Nock, 46-year-old Swiss daredevil, broke a new record after a 3000 meters high and kilometre long walk along a funicular cable without a balance bar and safety belt. Freddy Nock will enter his accomplishment in the Guinness Book of Records for the "longest and highest wire walk above sea level without a balancing pole".

For his performance, he chose especially the Zugspitze Mountain, the highest peak in Germany, with an altitude of 2962 meters. It took Freddy Nock 90 minutes to complete his mission as he walked on the cable that was featuring a diameter of only five centimeters.

Through his life-risking feat, Freddy Nock hopes to raise money for UNICEF. In 2009 he had climbed the same German mountain but with a balancing pole and raised $19,000 for a German organization that supports rural development projects in Ethiopia.
Wire walk Record without a balancing pole
Wire walk Record without a balancing pole
Wire walk Record without a balancing pole
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Re: Wire walk Record without a balancing pole

Postby Amit » Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:43 pm

its awsome
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