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uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated

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uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated

Postby Arafat » Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:24 pm

uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105

uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated

Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 1 MB in size.

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uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated



uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated

uTorrent 3.3.2 Beta 30105 Updated
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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:12 am

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