We always try to update our system configure & also some security system for our service & helping purposes.
As you are a old member or regular member of TMT Zone , you already know that a huge spam team always working behind us to destroy the main support system of our forum. So we have decided to create a new rules for our newly registered member.
Rules : 1. From now every newly registered member can write only one post after registration. If you need more then you need to be our registered member by informing our Admins or Moderator or Support Team. They can help you to transfer your id from newly registered member to registered member & then you have the power to do what you need really. Till then you dnt have enough power to play with TMT
![Straight Face :|](./images/smilies/22.gif)
2. We activate ip deny system in our function which may detect your ip if you login with so many id in our forum & want to post with every id by using Bot / Browser. So Be quite to use more id with 1 ip. Single ip is enough for you or you can exit our site
![Down >-)](./images/smilies/112.gif)
Support Mail : admins@techmediatune.com / support@techmediatune.com
Kind regards