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From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif

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From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif

Postby kp » Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:48 pm

From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif

Windows 10 is released and it is being downloaded at a fast pace. Here, we’ve got the complete history of Windows operating system, right from Windows 1.0 to Windows 10, in the form of a GIF story.

Every Windows launch is a celebratory event for Windows fans as well as the regular PC users. Windows 10 is now out in the open and it’s under the constant vigilant eye of experts and users. Compared to the previous versions of Windows, Windows 10 is being called “the most complete” Windows OS till date. However, there are some complications related to privacy issues, but there are some ways to address that. People are busy making extensions to replace Bing in Cortana and some are making apps to make your Windows 10 experience more secure.
Back in 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded a start-up called Microsoft. Over the years, Microsoft’s Windows has grew to become the most used operating system in the world. The company started shipping IBM PCs running MS-DOS in 1981 and the company announced Windows OS in 1983. After two years of work, Microsoft released Windows 1.0 where you moved your mouse to browse your way through screens, or “Windows.” Bill Gates said, “It is unique software designed for the serious PC user.” In the upcoming years, Windows evolved and became more suitable. Windows 98 was described as an OS that “Works Better, Plays Better.”

From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif

On The Hub, an academic software sellers have made a whole page dedicated to the history of Windows OS. They also created a cool GIF image for the technology website The Next Web. Take a look and take a sip from Microsoft’s cup of nostalgia:
From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif
From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif
From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 - Story in a Gif
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TagsFrom Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 .From Windows 1.0 to Windows 10 ,From Windows 10 Update news

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