Free Internet using Experience always gives us FUN and Pleasure. And Feel us like Unique or something..... No more talk , Just Fun and Fun-
Requirements :
Android 2.3 Or Up
Opera Mini 7.5.3 / Opera Handler.
Airtel SIM - should be zero Balance.
active internet package PG2, So type a SMS PG2 and send SMS to 5000.
Now a create a new APN, Go menu in your phone
Setting > Wireless & Network > Mobile Network > Access Point name > Airtel> options> New APN
APN NAME = Free airtel
APN = internet
Proxy –
Port – 80
and save the apn.
Now you download operahandl . when finish your download install this apps, And open Opera Handl. When you open operahandl you see a handle menu. you just edit a
proxy type – Real Host
Proxy server –
Now save than install opera .
When successful complete your install you can browse unlimited free internet use airtel sim.