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Flying bike

lets know what you dnt see and what you believe

Flying bike

Postby subconscious » Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:16 am


The dream of the Jetsons flying car might not be that far away! At least three Czech companies are almost there. They have gotten together and created a prototype of an electric bicycle. The bicycle made its first successful remote-controlled test flight in Prague. It was actually able to fly for nearly 6 minutes!

However, 6 minutes is obviously not quite long enough. The companies are working on extending that to a 50 full minutes and the bike will be topping speeds of about 30 miles per hour. Not bad, especially considering you don’t have to pedal.

Jealous of the driver? Don’t be. You’re not allowed to pilot this aircraft just yet. The person you see on the bike is actually a lightweight dummy. Since the giant propellers make this bicycle weigh over 200 pounds, it is not yet flyable with the additional weight of a human.

I must say, my fingers are crossed that we can start to drive these around soon, I have some traffic I’d like to fly over on my way home tonight!

Flying bike
Flying bike
Flying bike
Flying bike
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