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**Live Your Life**

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**Live Your Life**

Postby oboni » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:03 pm

  • ‘L i f e’
    Is not an
    ‘i – P o d’
    To listen your
    Favorite Songs
    It’s a
    ‘R a d i o’
    You must
    ‘A d j u s t’
    Yourself to enjoy,
    Whatever comes in it…

  • When u believe someone deeply, Misunderstanding arises ,
    but don’t feel for it
    Because Some Misunderstandings
    are needed 4 good understanding.
    Its a secret… (:

  • Those Who Do More Then They’re Paid
    For Are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name & Work
    Outlive Them & They Always
    Command The Highest Price
    Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension

  • If people around you,
    are trying to pull you down.
    Be proud about it.
    B’coz it only means one thing that:

  • Experiences are like waves,
    They come to you on shore of life,
    Drag the sand from beneath your feet,
    But each wave makes you stand on a new base.

  • It was written on an old man’s T-shirt:
    “I am not 60
    “I am 16 with 44 years of experience”
    That’s Attitude,
    Think Differently…!

  • All people have fears,
    but the brave one’s put down their fears and go forward,
    sometimes to death, but always to victory.

  • Laugh like you have never cried,
    Play like you have never lost,
    Love like you have never been hurt,
    Live like there is no tomorrow…!

  • Fallen flowers can not climb back.
    So do not think about the past.
    Love the Present.
    Live for the Future,
    with a beautiful & sweet Smile.:-)

  • Hard-work is like stairs
    and luck is like lift.
    Sometimes lift may fail
    but stairs will always take you to the top.
    Have a successful life ..!

  • Don’t Think About
    “What You Have Got……”
    Think About
    “How To Use It That You Have Got…..”

  • If you want something you never had,
    do something you have never done.
    Don’t go the way life takes you,
    Take the life the way you go.
    And remember you are born to live and
    not living because you are born!!!

  • Smooth roads never make good drivers..
    Smooth sea never make good sailors..
    Clear skies never make good pilots..
    Problem free life never makes a strong & good person..
    Have a tough, but winning day ahead….
    Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.

  • It is better to cry than to be angry,
    because anger hurts others while
    tears flow silently threw the soul and
    cleanses the heart..

  • Luck is like sand in hands.
    It will sneak out through fingers,
    no mater gripped firmly or held loosely.
    Only hands in the praying posture can save it.

  • Watch Your Thoughts; They Become Words.
    Watch Your Words; They Become Actions.
    Watch Your Actions; They Become Habits.
    Watch Your Habits; They Become Character.
    Watch Your Character; It Becomes Your Destiny.

  • Easy is to judge the mistakes of others,
    Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
    Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,
    Difficult is to heal the wound
    Easy is to set rules,
    Difficult is to follow them
    Easy is to dream every night,
    Difficult is to fight for a dream
    Easy is to say we love,
    Difficult is to show it every day
    Easy is to make mistakes,
    Difficult is to learn from them…
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Re: **Live Your Life**

Postby Amit » Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:48 pm

its awsome
Posts: 194
Joined: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:51 pm

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