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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

Postby wraith » Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:48 pm

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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

Image resized to 100% of its original size [519 x 19]
One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

The movie begins with Nami pointing out Crown Island on a map to the others, where there is a great treasure. Chopper brings up that there might be scary pirates there, but Nami reminds him that he is a pirate too. Usopp begins describing all kinds of monsters that might be on the island, scaring Chopper. Chopper then declares that he will fight bravely with the others if they come across any monsters. At that moment, the ship begins to rumble, and the Straw Hats rush out onto the deck as the ship is rocked about by great jets of water. They look down and see that the smoke clouds are forming a ring, and Nami declares that they have arrived at Crown Island. The Going Merry flies through the air, being propelled by one of the jets of water, and as the ship begins to fall toward the island below, Chopper flies off of the ship.


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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island

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One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island
Image resized to 100% of its original size [519 x 19]
One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island
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